Thursday, September 13, 2012

R.I.P. Willie (the) Feral (cat)


The hardest part of pet parenthood is having to say goodbye.  A week ago today, Willie passed away.  His body cradled in my arm (we hadn't made it to lap sitting yet), his cheek resting in my hand, and me whispering "I love you, I love you, I love you" over and over again as the vet administered the final meds that would take him away from me.  I loved that cat so much.  It was the hardest but most humane thing to do - given his still wild little spirit and the advanced stage of kidney failure and anemia he was in.

My Angel

I learned so much in the two short years he was with us.  The investment of love, time and money I placed into Willie - slowly convincing him to appreciate a warm cushy bed (he had three), teaching him to trust in twice a day meals and 24/7 kibble, and in the last 10 months of his life - using baby food (the crack of all cats) to start us on a path that would eventually lead to hour long cheek tickling/ear rubbing/back stroking sessions - and in the last few weeks - combing.  Oh how he loved to have his belly combed.  Silly Willy.  All that investment and more was returned million fold by the trust, love and learning he gave to me. 

I will never forget him.

Your mama loves you Angel and I always will.

R.I.P. Willie

a.k.a. Willamina, Mina, Big Boyyyyy, Sneezy, Skankalishish, Angel, Bupplemauss, Buepchen, and many, many more,