Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March 1-2, 2013: UnPlug!

            Unplug                                   to                                    Plug IN

The National Day of Unplugging is coming up this weekend on March 1-2, 2013.  For those who want to participate and/or learn more about it - check out

I've always been a big fan of unplugging - both for myself and for my coaching clients.  As a fan - I am mindful of taking regular techno-sabbaths throughout the week.  I don't take my iPhone to the gym, or on walks (except on rare occasions when I bring it to take photos).  I set times in the day for reading/responding to email, checking out social media platforms, surfing the internet - and honor those times - except when I don't.  I (gasp) turn off my phone in those times when I don't want to be bothered.   With all that electronic input and info storming into our lives on a daily, minute by minute, basis - the benefit of disconnecting from all that "noise" is immeasurable.

I know it's not always easy or practical - and I and my clients can come up with great excuses as to why we can't make it work - but in the end - that's all they are - excuses.  Where there is a will (and some upfront planning) there is always a way.  Always.

Stop and smell the apricot blossoms - heaven!

So this year - to revel in the "collective energy"of fellow unpluggers this coming Saturday (sundown March 1st through sundown March 2) - I'm  looking ahead to see how I'm going to make unplugging work for me this year.  The first thing I have to do is define (or redefine) what unplugging means - as I use so many more electronic devices today - the kindle and iPad to read; the DSLR camera to photograph; the computer to photo edit and blog, the iPhone for practically everything - than I did just a few short years ago.  

It's easy to define unplugging to include turning the phone off; not connecting to any social media; no TV.  Not so easy are saying no to my kindle to read; my camera; or even using my nano's pedometer.  

Maybe it's easier to "just-say-no" to all electronics - after all it's just a day - than it is to parse out what's in and what's out.  That may be the direction I go - despite the tinge of concern that comes up when I think of a whole day without .  Does a gas stove count?  I think not!

Appreciate Nature

But as I said before - the benefits of unplugging are immeasurable:

  • greater access to inner guidance and wisdom
  • quality time and connection with loved ones (human and animal)
  • greater presence and awareness  (like noticing this little bird's throat puffing in and out with every chirp)
  • greater peace and calm (inner and outer)
  • time slowing down, expanding
  • greater focus and presence to what's in front of you - in this moment
  • greater fun and joy
  • and so much more

So why not try it for yourself this coming weekend?  Plan ahead.  If needed - let others know what they can / cannot expect of you.  Involve your honey, your family, your friends (and even your clients too!).  Be in nature.  Take a walk / run / hike.  Leave the smart phone at home.  Read a "real" book.  Sit on a park bench.  Hold hands with your honey. Play a game with your kids.  

If a whole day feels daunting, go for a half day.  And if that feels too hard, do it for an hour (and then an hour more!)

I promise you will love every YUMMY minute of it!

   Happy Unplugging!  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Celebrate Self Love Day!

To fully love another - you have to love yourself fully first. 

Give yourself the gift of love today!

By Celebrating Self Love Day!

Hosted by @ChristineArylo with inspirational music by @KarenDrucker

I'll be there (virtually) tonight - 7-9 pacific - will you?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Cat's Eye View: Charlie On Exploring

Before setting out - find a "safe" place to assess the "state-of-the_state" and plot out your Exploration Strategy

I am energetically full to the brim these days with excited anticipation, joyful discovery, forward drive, and moments of "Oh shit how am I going to do it all? / Can I really do it all? / Who am I to do this all?" downright fear.

It's all more than good though.  In fact - it's over the moon GREAT!  Because - I've come to realize, over the last half year or so, that the time has come to take a good long hard look at my business - how I run it; what services / programs / and approaches I offer; to whom I offer it; how I offer it; with whom I collaborate; how I market it.....etc, etc. AND SHAKE THINGS UP!  

Or better said - the time has come to revision, revitalize and remodel the business to align with the woman and coach I am today, and, the woman and coach I am growing to be.  

You see, so much has changed since I started the business, and like some old clothes that hang in your closet - no longer matching and aligning with the person you are today (but you hang onto them anyway for a myriad of reasons, some healthy, some not so much) there are items and ways and approaches and beliefs and habits and people currently "hanging" in my business closet that no longer "fit" the woman and coach I am today.

Always wear cute "shoes" - spats in Charlie's case

True to my "Fire Horse" (born in the year of) nature - I yearn toss it all it all out - baby, bathwater and all.  To rapidly wipe the slate clean and start anew.   But being a little older, wiser, and tuned into the astrological fact that Saturn just entered my first house (which means I'm at the start of a new 30 year  lifecycle because that's how long it takes Saturn to move through the 12 houses) - I'm aware of the fact that what I am visioning for now has a longer reach than just the year ahead.  That I have created some things of value in my business which I do not wish to toss - even if I'm not quite sure just what those are yet.  

I'm aware of the fact that I have time to lean into this project.  That it actually requires spaciousness of time, space, and measured pacing - because I'm not just planning to reface some cabinets here - I'm looking at taking a step back and revisoning, redesigning, rearchitecting, remodeling, renovating,  resystemitizing, and radically reorienting (I love that phrase...) the entire shebang - the whole business.  

While I haven't yet a clue what the final "final" outcome will look like, or how long it will take to get there (I'm guessing years)  - I do have have glimpses of what the future holds and anticipate that some things will get torn out entirely, new things will be added, some things will be expanded, and gosh knows what else.  I'm open to all the possibilities.

So before I get the hammer out (or empty out any bassinnettes) - I need to step back.  I need to spend lots of time with my intuitive resources.  I need to be curious, open and aware.  I need to daydream!  I need to reflect.  I need to "feel" my way forward.  I need to align the support I need - like the "Great Women" business designers / architects I hired (gulp) as coaches for the next six months (more on them in later posts).  I need to ideate.  I need to research (love to research when it's "fun" to do so).  I need to collaborate.  I need to action plan.  I need to take large and small baby action steps, and finally - this year - I need to stand fully in the energy of EXPLORATION, TRUST, and PLAY as I actively manifest my way forward into my new business (and life!) vision.

So what, you ask, does any of this have to do with the cat?  Well, I owe a lot of what is happening - oddly enough - to my cats - present and past.  And when I spend time with them, really spend time with them, 100% present and aware  - I learn A LOT.

Explore every nook and cranny - even the dark and dirty ones!

You never know what you'll find there that you'll like!

In fact, I learned a helpful thing or two about EXPLORING while on a recent excursion in the back yard with Charlie (a.k.a. the cutest cat in the Universe - no need to fight me on this one - it's a fact!) which I now wish to share with you:


- Sit back, observe / assess the "state-of-the-state, and do a little path plotting before setting out
- Use ALL your senses - "smell" the world - everything in it - set your "radar" on to receive
- Check out every nook and cranny - even the dark and messy ones.  You never know what "good" you might find there
- Be purposeful, be mysterious
- Let your CURIOSITY guide you
- ENJOY yourself - have FUN
- TRUST your instincts - not everything will be to your liking
- Take naps, take breaks, enjoy the sun
- Look at the world through all different kinds of perspectives
- Appreciate the company of loved ones

Be purposeful

Not everything will pass the "sniff" test

Take breaks - when you need them!

Try a different perspective - Charlie's eye-view from his napping spot

and another

and yet another 

Luxuriate in the present moment 

Appreciate (bask in the glow of) your loved ones

I anticipate there will be wildly delicious successes and celebrations ahead; some snarly failures (if I'm doing it "right") followed by learning, redirection and spurts of growth; heaps and heaps of scary times; and loads of EXPLORATION, FUN and remodeling dust along the way!

And as a wise woman once recently shared

"If it's not FUN, it's not SUSTAINABLE!

A good truth to remember as we all EXPLORE our way into our futures!