Friday, January 18, 2013

Office Cleanse 2013: Shedding and Shredding

I'm happy to report that Phase II of what's rapidly becoming an annual "office cleanse and purge" process is in full swing.  Since the holidays (taking advantage of some free time and rainy days to kick things off) I've been neck deep in file folders and papers as they await their turn to be reviewed, scanned, shredded and released - all before going on to become whatever they might in their next reincarnation.

Last year I tackled 4 boxes of client folders.  All scanned now so that when a client returns to coaching to work on a new goal /project in their life - which often they do - I can easily review their info online and get "reacquainted" with them quickly to meet them now where they are today. 

This year - I'm tackling the "financials" - all the folders containing old bank statements, old retirement account statements, and the old annual accounting folders for my business that have been building up over 25 plus years of my work and "adult" life.

I'm about 40% into the project - give or take - and have had to remind myself that this project is not a sprint race.  Especially when I find myself in week two or three losing steam - overwhelmed by the mounds of files still to be "processed".  It's those times - when I m wondering why the heck I'm doing this, and why I'm not feeling the same vim and vigor I felt when I kicked this project off in week one - that I realize I've lost connection with the vision of what I want my future office space to look, be, and for this kinesthetic gal - feel like.

It's those times when I realize that to "reenergize" and keep my momentum going   -  I have to re-connect with the vision I have of my "future self" in an office space that aligns entirely with who she/I are in that moment.  Spacious, creative, vibrant, clutter free, as paper-less as possible, clean, airy..... a space conducive to the creativity that she/I see ourselves expressing - through coaching, blogging,  photography....through living.

By connecting to that vision - which I do in my 15 minute morning meditations - by allowing myself to "feel" how I will feel in that "remodeled / reinvented" office space  - I'm able to appreciate how far I've already come, how much the "feel" of my current office is already shifting and changing - and this gives me the energy I need to tackle the next set of files and folders for the day.  

Of course - having two fuzzy office mates cheering me on (in their own feline way) while I'm scanning away doesn't hurt either.  As does the knowledge that I have a full year to fulfill the vision of my office that I have for 2013 - and that this is just one step along the path to fulfillment.  

So should you find yourself losing a little steam in the midst of a "project" - reconnect with your vision, your dream, your goal - whatever it is that will help you re-energize and find your way back on path.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter Garden: A New Year Begins

Happy New Year everybody!  Hope your holidays were grand - filled with all that you wanted them to be.  I'm optimistic that the year ahead will be a good one - filled with new learning, new experiences, new accomplishments.  I'm confident that any of the less than happy events that life throws our way will be handled with as much grace and aplomb as humanly possible.

I'd like to celebrate the four - make that five - radishes that made it through the digging assault of the millions of squirrels who make it their life's mission to dig up every inch of our backyard.  (We have more squirrels than most as they all live in a big oak tree next door.) I planted these radishes from seeds in a wine barrel earlier this year - and despite the barrel's wire covering - the squirrels did a little digging and planting of their own - creating big holes and tossing defenseless seeds left and right out of their neat half inch rows.  I tried to rescue seeds by smoothing out the soil - but many ended up to deep in and never sprouted.  These are the few radishes that made it through the life cycle process.  As I've said before in this blog - gardening is a learning experience.  With that in mind - I reseeded the barrel at the start of the year - this time making sure to put additional bird netting over the larger wire covering to prevent little squirrel feet from slipping through. I'm happy to report that so far - its working!

Our broccoli plants bolted (again) this season.  This is my third attempt with broccoli and I'm thinking it will be my last.  Unless I choose to plant some for the bees.  They love those flowers, and I love having the bees - pollinating away in our garden.  So in the end - it's still a win.  No?

I'm also learning that the side garden we use for vegetables - that's so right for tomatoes in the summer - is turning out to be not so good for the winter garden.  With the sun at a different angle - it's just not getting enough light to help plants grow.  We planted brussel sprouts there this year - and they haven't done well at all.  If it's not the aphids (which I've taken to blasting with a hose to remove), it's the slugs (don't want to use any "poison" on them) and between those two pests and a wet December with little to no sun - the plants haven't grown at all.  I moved one plant over to where our swiss chard is thriving, with the hope that at least one plant will flourish.  I also finally replanted kale plants that I'd grown from seeds into our back plot too. 

Here's Charlie inspecting a bucket we use when deadheading.  The cats (we have three of them now that Willie is gone) are primarily indoor cats - but when we are outside - they get to go out for "supervised" visits. 

The New Year brought with it a stretch of sunny crisp cold days - a glorious break after a December full of steady rain soaked ones.  I was finally able to get around to planting our spring bulb pots.  (Tulips, Freesias, and Daffodils).  As I filled the pots will soil and nestled the bulbs therein - my excitement for the year ahead grew.  Holding each bulb - I felt the promise of warmer days, spring flowers, and the sweet scent of spring blossoms ahead. All adding to the delicious excited feelings I have for the New Year, the seasons, and our life.  It's going to be a great year folks!

Hope your New Year if off to a yummy start!