Friday, March 14, 2014

Marketing My Way: Six Month Check-In and Update

Well well well.  It's so hard to believe I started this Marketing My Way experiment shy of six months ago. So much has happened since I set out on this path, and particularly in this new year.  There have  been some bumps along the road (February's Mercury retrograde took this Pisces gal for a huge spin!) but there has also been a lot of growth, learning and tangible accomplishments too.

There have definitely been times in the past six months where I've been swayed for a period of time into the marketing their way camp, and onto the marketing their way path.  This usually happens (yes - it still can and does) right after I've run across a fabulously designed website with beautifully articulated programs and offerings, e-commerce etc.

While it's good to research these sites to get a clearer sense of what I want my website to be - I've come to recognize (learning!) that too much time spent here can awaken my inner comparison queen.  And when she's up she loves nothing more than to point out all of my "deficiencies" in comparison to all of these others who have it "oh so going on".  She loves to get me into a a tizzy thinking I have to do all these other cool things all at once to be successful.  She's a master at getting me stuck and spinning.

Thanks to my coaches though, and to their 40 day Inner Mean Girl cleanse (learning!) which I did earlier this year and which I highly recommend to you - as soon as I recognize that she's in action - I choose to transmute that energy of comparison into an energy of compassion and inspiration.  I've also learned how valuable it is to "step away" from that website research - or whatever else I might be comparing myself negatively to - and come back to being and doing things my way.

If you've spent any time exploring this blog - you'll know that doing things my way includes - photography, nature, and a desire to share and inspire.  And doing Marketing My Way - even if it's for a boutique Executive and Career Development Coaching firm - is going to have to include a mix of those elements.   So along with being 75% of the way complete with a brand logo and style guide, enrolling new clients into new programs, and joining a mastermind through Eyes Wide Open's Circle of Co-Creation - I've also started dabbling with how to bring my budding photography into my business offerings and marketing in a more "formal" way (as evidenced above in some of my early attempts.)

Bottom line - and this ex finance gal cares about the bottom line - Marketing My Way is here to stay.  No longer an experiment or a hypothesis waiting to be proved - but a core mantra and reminder that the best way for me to experience the "sweet smell of success" in life AND in business - is to stay true to my heart and to follow my path my way!

Ready or not - HERE I COME!


Would love to hear all about your path and "my ways" in the comments below!