Saturday, September 21, 2013

Marketing My Way: First Month Check-In

Abundance flowing in!


There! Had to release some of that energy in order to shift gears and check back in with you to share what's been cooking since I embarked on a "Marketing My Way" 6 month experiment a month ago which you can read all about here.


A month ago today, I stopped doing marketing the way other "successful" people market (or at least the ways I was telling myself other successful people market), and instead, gave myself permission to market my own organic "provide great service, do what makes your heart sing, and let your happy clients do the marketing for you" way.  I made this a 6 month exploratory experiment. A container in which I would explore and try this concept on - with planned check-ins during and after to decide how to proceed with marketing.  Well, one month in, and all I can say is, WOWIE!  What a liberating decision this has been!

Basking in the light and joy!


The minute I made the decision to get back to the organic, collaborative way of attracting and working with clients that has always worked for me - the minute I made that decision - the dam that had been blocking the river of abundant "pre-ordered" universal goods from reaching me vanished!  Poof.  It was gone.

I've been bathing in an endless flow of lush, verdant, multihued abundance ever since!

It's as though up until that moment - I'd been standing in my very own way of receiving all of the abundance I'd ordered from The Universe.  I was the proverbial dam.  The moment I made the choice to give myself permission to step aside, be my authentic self, and "practice" marketing in a way that makes me happy - the literal floodgates opened.  And it wasn't just about the tangible fulfillment of desires in my work life, but a flow of tangible results into all areas of my life.  (While some desires had certainly "trickled through" before - apparently I'd been damming other things up for quite a while now!)


Lush and Verdant

Here's what receiving the fulfillment of dreams and wishes (placed as orders into the Universe) has looked like this past month:

- a non stop flow of creative ideas on how to structure new coaching programs, ideas for fun tools and new concepts to use in coaching, visions of spreadsheets I'd like created, new coaching materials and templates created....

- a large number of ideal new potential clients contacting me - 66% of whom have become clients - a number my gut says will likely be 77% by the end of September

- two offices painted - and taking advantage of an emptied office - another round of de-cluttering and getting a ton of pesky (but necessary) computer and other tech equipment cables and wires off the floor!  (Both painting and wire clean up projects were "ordered" some years ago!)

- one OktoberFest party for 30 plus - planned and thrown (also years in the dreaming...)

- a fun membership appreciation evening at Filoli shared with my husband, new photography friends, and my iPhone camera

- A new job for my husband (an interesting twist of events worth noting)

- Embodiment and full ownership of the innate gifts, energy and essences I have to offer - so yummy!

- A LOT of overall fun, energy and enjoyment of life and work

- A LOT of career, leadership and wisdom development coaching with fabulous clients

- A LOT of activity to on board new clients and welcome them into the "sacred sanctuary" of their coaching program

A pumpkin being her pampered pumpkin self (with a little help from her gardening friends...)

Water Lily stretching for the sun - being true to her water lily self.

Sunflower standing tall and proud!


As I mentioned in August, this Marketing My Way (or fill in the blank ________ my WAY) experiment is infectious.  I just got off a "soul sista" connection call with fellow business woman, artist, friend, and soul sister Anne Labrie - who this past year has been developing her new art business "HER very own WAY".  Oh my goodness! The girl is on fire! Doing marketing and business development her way - Anne recently manifested four new events through which she will share her amazing artwork with all of us lucky Bay Area folks in the coming weeks.  Including the San Carlos Art and Wine Faire October 12th and 13th.  Can't wait to see her there!

Are you standing in your own way?

If you aren't receiving what you've ordered from the Universe, could it possibly be because you're blocking the flow of abundance from reaching you too?  If like me you've strayed from being your authentic self and are not doing what makes you happy in service of, and for the positive benefit of all - then maybe, just maybe, giving yourself permission to be your authentic self - doing ABC your WAY - will help you open up to and receive the abundance that's been gathering and waiting to flow in to you too.

A word of advice - once your My Way experiment is implemented - be ready to receive! 

If anyone else out there is trying their own My Way experiment (you get to pick the topic and the time frame) - let us know!  Let us know what your experiment is - and as you "lean" into it - what you're experiencing and learning as a result.  Tell us what works for you, what doesn't, and what tips you would recommend to fellow My Way experimenters.  We can't wait to hear from you!


Stay tuned for more from the marketing "MY WAY" experiment in coming months!