Thursday, May 15, 2014

Soul Mantra 4 The Week

Soul #mantra4theweek of 5/12/14

What's yours?

I love nothing more than connecting with inner wisdom and proactively designing the week's activities and deliverables for the container of space and time ahead.  The result of this weekly planning ritual (which kicks off - as most days do - with balanced breathing, meditation, and journaling) is a "tailored-to-do list" for the week,  A personal energy and time management tool - a road map  if you will - designed to help guide, support, and motivate - so that I can take focused purposeful steps throughout the week to grow and manifest my most important dreams.

A week or two ago, I found myself closing my weekly planning ritual by asking my inner wisdom, "what's most important for me to remember this week?"  While this question is a fairly new addition to the process and probably needs some tweaking - from responses received to date - I'd say the answer is a reminder of the key/s to use to reconnect with inner truth when disconnected because a minor hiccup or bigger bump along the road has nudged me off course. (I'm sure you can relate!)  That's part of it.  Sometimes it's also a reminder of how to best travel the week ahead in a way that's aligned with who I am from the inside out.  A way to have a joyful journey. I don't always know what answer will come, which makes it sort of fun, but I do know that what does come is exactly what my soul needs to grow and travel-well the week's path ahead.

It's my soul's #mantra4theweek!  

This week mantra was:   Breathe Balance Beauty

Last week's was:  Pace yourself - embraced within a heart.  =))

What about you?

What does your inner wisdom know is most important for you?

What's your soul's #mantra4theweek?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Marketing My Way: Six Month Check-In and Update

Well well well.  It's so hard to believe I started this Marketing My Way experiment shy of six months ago. So much has happened since I set out on this path, and particularly in this new year.  There have  been some bumps along the road (February's Mercury retrograde took this Pisces gal for a huge spin!) but there has also been a lot of growth, learning and tangible accomplishments too.

There have definitely been times in the past six months where I've been swayed for a period of time into the marketing their way camp, and onto the marketing their way path.  This usually happens (yes - it still can and does) right after I've run across a fabulously designed website with beautifully articulated programs and offerings, e-commerce etc.

While it's good to research these sites to get a clearer sense of what I want my website to be - I've come to recognize (learning!) that too much time spent here can awaken my inner comparison queen.  And when she's up she loves nothing more than to point out all of my "deficiencies" in comparison to all of these others who have it "oh so going on".  She loves to get me into a a tizzy thinking I have to do all these other cool things all at once to be successful.  She's a master at getting me stuck and spinning.

Thanks to my coaches though, and to their 40 day Inner Mean Girl cleanse (learning!) which I did earlier this year and which I highly recommend to you - as soon as I recognize that she's in action - I choose to transmute that energy of comparison into an energy of compassion and inspiration.  I've also learned how valuable it is to "step away" from that website research - or whatever else I might be comparing myself negatively to - and come back to being and doing things my way.

If you've spent any time exploring this blog - you'll know that doing things my way includes - photography, nature, and a desire to share and inspire.  And doing Marketing My Way - even if it's for a boutique Executive and Career Development Coaching firm - is going to have to include a mix of those elements.   So along with being 75% of the way complete with a brand logo and style guide, enrolling new clients into new programs, and joining a mastermind through Eyes Wide Open's Circle of Co-Creation - I've also started dabbling with how to bring my budding photography into my business offerings and marketing in a more "formal" way (as evidenced above in some of my early attempts.)

Bottom line - and this ex finance gal cares about the bottom line - Marketing My Way is here to stay.  No longer an experiment or a hypothesis waiting to be proved - but a core mantra and reminder that the best way for me to experience the "sweet smell of success" in life AND in business - is to stay true to my heart and to follow my path my way!

Ready or not - HERE I COME!


Would love to hear all about your path and "my ways" in the comments below!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy 2014! What's YOUR Fun Fitted Formula for Success?

All that potential!

Happy New Year!

I just got back from my very first gym workout of the year and had to take a moment to say thank you all the new folks that were there today.  Whether new to the gym or getting back on track - your optimistic enthusiasm is palpable.  There's such a quality of excitement and potential this time of the year that the 40% of us who make resolutions contribute to the collective energy all around us.  It's yummy and infectious - and I love the positive intention and inspiration you exude. Thank you!

As I looked around me though, I wondered, if it's true that only 8% of the 40% of us who make resolutions will realize those dreams and intentions by year's end - how many of you will be here one month from now - let alone a year from now?  


As I climbed away on the stair master - I thought about the 92% of you slated to "fail" - or not fulfill your resolutions.  What's going to help you be part of the 8%?  

If any of your "resolutions" or intentions this year are unrealized resolutions from 2013 - and if you haven't come up with new ways to approach or realize your dreams that are different from last year - a new formula for success - I'm afraid to tell you you might as well kiss those recycled resolutions goodbye.  Chances are - you will reap the same results (you know the old adage about insanity and all) unless you change (change your habits, your attitude, your approach, your success partners, your patterns, your thinking, your way of being...whatever it might be) and create and implement a new fitted formula for success. 

8 Pots + 1 Bag Soil + 340 Bulbs + Time + Water + Sun + Husband's help = 2014 Spring FLOWERS!!

What fixed and variable elements make up your fun fitted formula for success?

There is a wealth of information out there in books, on the Internet - not to mention programs and other resources - to help you achieve any goal, resolution or intention.  So much so that it can be a bit overwhelming at times - especially if you are new to the subject at hand.  For me - the "new" subject this year is marketing and branding.  For you - it might be nutrition, or exercise, or career management, or managing a new team, or ___________________________ (fill in the blank for YOU!)

As you contemplate all of those helpful resources for your topic/resolution - access your inner wisdom - your internal guidance system - and ask yourself - what of all those tips, options and advice fit me?  What - when added together - will equal a realized resolution for me at year (or project's) end?  Do you know yourself well enough to know you need accountability?  If yes - maybe working with a success partner - a friend, your romantic partner, a coworker, or a coach to help you consistently "show up" and stay accountable - to yourself! is part of your formula.  Do you need information?  If yes -  then make gathering info a part of your formula.  Do you need time?  Time to exercise, do research, go to a class - whatever it might be?  If yes - then proactively dedicate time on your calendar for those activities as part of your formula.  Do you need to be compassionate and patient with yourself (and/or with others?) Do you need to replace a negative energy draining attitude with an attitude of gratitude?  If yes - better include that in you formula too.  If you are looking for a new job - do you need a stronger network?  A few agency recruiters?  If yes - make that  a part of your fitted success formula.  What else?  

The promise of potential within.  Bloom baby bloom!


Know that there is no "right way" or "right formula" out there "outside of you" that will magically make your dreams come true.  If there were - we'd all be rocking fit bods, working in dream jobs for the pleasure of it, and rolling in the dough with our soul mates.  Instead - that right way or right formula exists within you.  

It's your job to go within and partner with your inner wisdom to identify your very own personal formula for success - the variables and components of which fit YOU to a "T"- and to lead your life accordingly.  Because that's the formula you're most likely to stick with.  (disclaimer - when that formula gets old - and it will - and/or you get bored with it - which you will - instead of stopping - read that as the signal that you're ready to grow and develop to a new level - that it's time to tinker with, revise, refresh and/or create a new fitting formula that will help you grow.)  That's the formula that's that going to help you make your resolutions bloom!

Will you be part of the 8%?

Will your resolutions blossom and bloom this year?



and inspiration here

A + B + C = ?